Power converter tbc
Power converter tbc

power converter tbc

A detailed comparison among the different typologies of PVLPCs in terms of efficiency, delivered power, voltage, temperature effects, and manufacturability is carried out, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages depending on the application. Afterward, a brief outlook on the history of PVLPCs is presented. This review begins with an overview of the functionalities of PBL systems and the critical requirements imposed to PVLPCs. The first PBL system was built in 1978, but it has been only recently when PBL systems are having an outburst with continuous efficiency improvements, creation of start-ups, big companies entering the business, and increasing number of scientific publications and specialized technical conferences. PBL allows the safe transfer of power in situations where the direct use of electrical energy to power electronic equipment is either not possible or not recommendable. Photovoltaic laser power converters (PVLPCs) are the core element of power-by-light (PBL) systems, which are basically made up of a power laser, an optical fiber, and a PVLPC. This review aims at showing the routes to achieve these goals. Future PVLPCs must exhibit higher efficiencies and delivered power, robustness at rough environmental conditions, and lower manufacturing cost. and their potential to improve the PVLPC performance are discussed. Advanced concepts, such as photon recycling, high performance back reflectors, luminescent coupling, etc. We also pinpoint the main aspects limiting the efficiency of PVLPCs and the ways to circumvent them. A detailed comparison amid the different typologies of PVLPCs is tackled in terms of their efficiency, delivered power, voltage, temperature effects, and manufacturability, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages depending on the application. Afterward, the history of PVLPCs is revisited, including the recent hatching of companies and technical conferences in the field. This review begins with a brief overview of the functionalities of PBL systems and the critical requirements imposed to PVLPCs. Recently, a PVLPC has demonstrated the highest efficiency for any photovoltaic converter, i.e., 68.9% at a laser illumination of 858 nm. The core of a PBL system is the photovoltaic laser power converter (PVLPC), which transforms the laser light delivered through an optical fiber into electricity. PBL systems are the smarter solution for monitoring and controlling processes under strict safety conditions in contexts with high fire or explosion risk (refineries, mines, fuel tanks in space, and aircrafts), or that need galvanic insulation (high voltage power lines, lighting-safe monitoring, medical applications), etc. Despite this long history, it has been only in recent years when PBL systems have experienced enormous effervescence in situations where the direct use of electrical energy to power electronic equipment is either not possible or not recommendable. The transmission of power using light instead of electricity-the so called power-by-light (PBL)-has been around for some decades now.

Power converter tbc