Star trek tng minuet
Star trek tng minuet

star trek tng minuet

Gradually things get stranger and stranger. Worf returns from a bat'leth tournament to an Enterprise that's juuuust a few steps off from the one he left. "Parallels" is one of the few episodes that can qualify as "best" and also "most fun." It starts out with a common premise-someone comes back from shore leave and something is wrong!-but escalates from there. At least its understanding of biology is more advanced than the one where Barclay becomes a spider and Worf a de-evolved rabid wolf. That said, there's a thrilling mystery-adventure element to this episode of pseudoscientific gobbledygook that eventually adds up to an inconsistent but exciting whole. In other words, "The Chase" is an attempt to handwave a massive flaw in Star Trek and in wider science fiction.

star trek tng minuet

In reality, most astrobiologists find it unlikely that aliens will look much like anything on Earth, let alone like humans. On Star Trek, Klingons and Humans could have a child together despite arising several dozen light years away from each other. This is a cheeky attempt to explain one of the fundamental problems with making sci-fi movies and TV-that the aliens usually look humanoid since they must be portrayed by human actors. But -SPOILER ALERT-the object in question turns out to be a recording revealing that the humanoid races of the Star Trek universe were all intentionally seeded by an ancient humanoid species.

star trek tng minuet

The Cardassians, Klingons, Romulans, and Federation are all on the hunt for the same object, each trying to outsmart the next. "The Chase" is a love-it-or-hate-it episode.

Star trek tng minuet